Many are they who claim to be Resurrected Masters, yet with great scrutiny, Ding Dong must proclaim what they truly are: Insurrected Masters...
Insurrection is the will of those who say they are Resurrected, but are not. Such Insurrected Masters claim to be completely dead, and it is true: they are completely dead to the Resurrection and the Spirit.
Many movements do these Insurrected Masters create, in order to defend their Insurrection. Confusing polemics do they use, in order to convince you of Insurrection.
An Insurrected Master never believes he is Insurrected, because he thinks he is Resurrected. Also, the advent of Insurrection is highly-esteemed, attended upon by many clowns.
Great festivities and celebration is given to the advent of Insurrection. With such an event, the circus teems with laughter and bright colors, so that even more somnambulists may be initiated into clownhood.
A new faction and a new dogma do these Insurrected Masters preach. New Gnosis is the flag of their dogma, yet verily do they ignore that Gnosis is as timeless as Resurrection!
And by this token also, Insurrection is as timeless as Resurrection, for wherever there is Resurrection, so there is the Insurrection of many Ding Dongs!
So do not confuse this term Resurrection with Insurrection. The difference will become obvious if you allow yourself to study.
For verily does Ding Dong state, that one may burn a book only after understanding it, and not before, because the true fire that consumes the dead letter is the fire of comprehension.
Yet zealous are many flames, which lack comprehension. They consume their books in the heat of their passion, without even learning to read. In the confidence of their zeal, they even believe themselves to be brighter than the stars.
Zealous are these flames, upholding Insurrection. They even mistake the sacrilege of Insurrection with the fire of Resurrection, and all because they lack the understanding of a few words!
A great deal of study do I recommend for these flames, which burn with the zeal of Insurrection. For by putting out a small flame, one may in turn initiate a great bonfire, which is the power of real Gnosis.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
On Charity and Faith
Charity and faith: thus do I speak unto the uncharitable. For not all of those who have faith shall have charity, and not all who are charitable have faith.
For many are the faithful who do not know how to give, and thus do I speak unto their shame: for many are the faithless who do know how to give!
But faith and charity, thus do I call the smoke which arises from the flame, the incense of philanthropy that radiates from the fire of one's faith.
A burnt offering is that of charity: it delights in its thanksgiving unto man and God. It is the alms that would make a king of a beggar, even when the beggar is the one who gives the alms!
A blessing and a benediction is that of charity. Such almsgiving is the crown that would coronate, even though it be made of thorns.
A gospel of sacrifice does Ding Dong preach, unto all who have faith: let not your faith be in vain, but let the cross truly be the definition of your faith.
Through the cross of benediction and sacrifice is one's love realized, for who could say that they love without having died for what they love?
A scarlet cloak of humiliation is reserved for the faithful with charity: one does not seek poverty, yet it is through a little poverty that the riches of the Spirit are realized.
As of the faithless with charity, their charity benefits the world, yet not themselves. I would have the faithless burn with the fire of Conscious Faith, from the inspiration of the living God. For such givers without faith, I would have them study.
Yet to the faithful without charity, such faith is desperate and poor. It hides and crawls in dark corners, although its couch speaks of much comfort.
"Strong is my faith in the Lord," speaks the uncharitable. Yet when approached with the bill for one's faith, one is reluctant to pay.
The cross do I recommend for the faithful without charity, for it is in giving that we receive; it is in hunger that one is filled; it is through humiliation that we are exalted.
So seek to be the spirit of charity, if your faith would soar on higher wings. Holy is the marriage between the giver and the recipient, for it is through the gift of charity that both are sanctified.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
For many are the faithful who do not know how to give, and thus do I speak unto their shame: for many are the faithless who do know how to give!
But faith and charity, thus do I call the smoke which arises from the flame, the incense of philanthropy that radiates from the fire of one's faith.
A burnt offering is that of charity: it delights in its thanksgiving unto man and God. It is the alms that would make a king of a beggar, even when the beggar is the one who gives the alms!
A blessing and a benediction is that of charity. Such almsgiving is the crown that would coronate, even though it be made of thorns.
A gospel of sacrifice does Ding Dong preach, unto all who have faith: let not your faith be in vain, but let the cross truly be the definition of your faith.
Through the cross of benediction and sacrifice is one's love realized, for who could say that they love without having died for what they love?
A scarlet cloak of humiliation is reserved for the faithful with charity: one does not seek poverty, yet it is through a little poverty that the riches of the Spirit are realized.
As of the faithless with charity, their charity benefits the world, yet not themselves. I would have the faithless burn with the fire of Conscious Faith, from the inspiration of the living God. For such givers without faith, I would have them study.
Yet to the faithful without charity, such faith is desperate and poor. It hides and crawls in dark corners, although its couch speaks of much comfort.
"Strong is my faith in the Lord," speaks the uncharitable. Yet when approached with the bill for one's faith, one is reluctant to pay.
The cross do I recommend for the faithful without charity, for it is in giving that we receive; it is in hunger that one is filled; it is through humiliation that we are exalted.
So seek to be the spirit of charity, if your faith would soar on higher wings. Holy is the marriage between the giver and the recipient, for it is through the gift of charity that both are sanctified.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
On Faith and Perception
Perception and faith: thus do I speak to the unperceptive. It is neither from faith that perception is born, nor is perception borne without faith.
Perception of the wise, thus do I counsel all who would have faith. For it is in seeing that we have faith, since in communion with the Spirit do we acknowledge our Spirit.
Perception is what makes one wise: it is the scrutiny of the inscrutable eye, the flaring light of Him who perceives all.
This is the fire of Conscious Faith, that is born from perception. This fire and faith of Christ would consume you in its heat, because such heat is born from the light of understanding.
Until one sees, one is asleep. Never could this Chief of Clowns admit of what he does not see, unless he has the direct knowledge of what he does not see!
So the faith of perception: thus do I counsel the unperceptive. Let your faith be built upon what you perceive, for faith is the heat which accompanies the light of perception!
But the faith of the pen, the scrawl of the page, leave that for scholars and librarians! If you would burn with the fire of Conscious Faith, I would have you not be a scholar and a librarian.
The fire of Conscious Faith burns the pages of history. It consumes them in its passion, and would raise what was dead as an offering of incense unto God.
But Conscious Faith also is the fire that would compell you to perceive. It would give you the courage to practice, for after having seen, one is reluctant to go back to sleep.
For it is written: that you shall not live by perception alone, but by every experience that commeth from your living God.
So awaken your perception, my brother, and only afterward shall true faith be born in you.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
Perception of the wise, thus do I counsel all who would have faith. For it is in seeing that we have faith, since in communion with the Spirit do we acknowledge our Spirit.
Perception is what makes one wise: it is the scrutiny of the inscrutable eye, the flaring light of Him who perceives all.
This is the fire of Conscious Faith, that is born from perception. This fire and faith of Christ would consume you in its heat, because such heat is born from the light of understanding.
Until one sees, one is asleep. Never could this Chief of Clowns admit of what he does not see, unless he has the direct knowledge of what he does not see!
So the faith of perception: thus do I counsel the unperceptive. Let your faith be built upon what you perceive, for faith is the heat which accompanies the light of perception!
But the faith of the pen, the scrawl of the page, leave that for scholars and librarians! If you would burn with the fire of Conscious Faith, I would have you not be a scholar and a librarian.
The fire of Conscious Faith burns the pages of history. It consumes them in its passion, and would raise what was dead as an offering of incense unto God.
But Conscious Faith also is the fire that would compell you to perceive. It would give you the courage to practice, for after having seen, one is reluctant to go back to sleep.
For it is written: that you shall not live by perception alone, but by every experience that commeth from your living God.
So awaken your perception, my brother, and only afterward shall true faith be born in you.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
On Loosing Faith
To receive confession as a priest is never a burden for a clown, for in being a clown, one has already confessed much.
And despite being a clown, whose tears paint his very face, I would seek to hear yours, my brother, that you may drain your amphora and let it be filled once more by God.
And this confession is about the hunger of the Soul. In its very declaration is a revelation of its hope and its madness.
Madness is the hope of all creators, for it would seek to break old laws and stone tablets. Yet on this very note also, hope is the madness of the unfaithful, for hope is written on a new stone, and not in the luster of fool's gold.
Such madness of the Spirit would consume you, my brother, if you would let it. But of course, cold winds can deaden even great flames, and more often than not reduces them to embers...
But remember, lonely one, that even embers can return into great flames. But such embers need careful preparation and much tending.
A painful hunger is this privation of the Soul. For after eating a few crumbs, one quickly forgets their flavor...
Like an embittered Tantalus, one longs for the Banquet Feast of the Lamb. Yet while in the fetters and darkness of prison, one must resign to coldness and starvation.
"Forty years must the disciple fast in the wilderness." Thus speaks wisdom. But also does it state, "One must even dare to rejoice in one's fasting!"
A bitter silence and confusion is that of the Soul. In madness it would break its own creation, for while in the wilderness, it forgets the meaning of its own madness and creation!
Solitude is the penance which breaks or forges Souls. Upon the anvil of solitude, the hammer of pain would shape you into what you must become.
Such hammering and difficulty can break even strong blades. And yet this is the very fire that would give you strength, if you will acknowledge your own strength!
But are you capable of this? To endure the hammer of the Law, the discomfort of too much contradiction? Can you, while tempered in hot flames, endure the terrible chill of frost and solitude?
In your hunger, can you restrain your hand from the offerings of beggars? Are you willing to starve in order to tempt the tempter?
Have you not yet remembered the agony of your Spirit, which weeps upon seeing the divine perish? My brother, strive and seek to remember your Spirit, whose agony inspires the longing for creation.
Defiant are these rebels, who long for creation. Honored is the will of those who do not look first to stars for a reason to descend and perish.
But are you willing to do this? To enter dark chasms and the abyss of despair, without even expecting to return?
Can you enter hell without looking back, to accept defeat in order to become victorious?
Do you desire to be a creator of new tablets, to chisel new laws on new stones? Then show me your right and your strength to do so! Terrible is the strength needed to chisel new laws on new stones, especially when one lacks the light to see one's work.
For it is written in characters of fire: "The Gods emerge from the abyss by means of fire, and get lost within the Darkness."
My brother, you will forge a new God and a new Law from your despair. Out of fire and chaos shall your will be tempered, if you will allow yourself to be tempered.
Joyful is the song of tempered steel, for it longs to be shaped into a new creation. Where there is acceptance, the hammer becomes as welcome as the pillow.
So lay yourself upon the anvil of solitude, my brother, and only much later shall your justice be forged.
Raise your amphora of hope and delirium back unto the Spirit, that He may deliver your fill of wisdom.
Intoxicating is this wine and madness of the Spirit, for it would convert the abstemious into the drunkards of the Spirit, and would defy the insanity of the sane.
Glorious is this wine and intoxication of the Spirit, for unlike other wines, it can never put one to sleep.
My brother, you are going the way of the hammer and the forge. Show me your courage to be tempered, in order that the weapon of your new hope may shine from your affliction.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
And despite being a clown, whose tears paint his very face, I would seek to hear yours, my brother, that you may drain your amphora and let it be filled once more by God.
And this confession is about the hunger of the Soul. In its very declaration is a revelation of its hope and its madness.
Madness is the hope of all creators, for it would seek to break old laws and stone tablets. Yet on this very note also, hope is the madness of the unfaithful, for hope is written on a new stone, and not in the luster of fool's gold.
Such madness of the Spirit would consume you, my brother, if you would let it. But of course, cold winds can deaden even great flames, and more often than not reduces them to embers...
But remember, lonely one, that even embers can return into great flames. But such embers need careful preparation and much tending.
A painful hunger is this privation of the Soul. For after eating a few crumbs, one quickly forgets their flavor...
Like an embittered Tantalus, one longs for the Banquet Feast of the Lamb. Yet while in the fetters and darkness of prison, one must resign to coldness and starvation.
"Forty years must the disciple fast in the wilderness." Thus speaks wisdom. But also does it state, "One must even dare to rejoice in one's fasting!"
A bitter silence and confusion is that of the Soul. In madness it would break its own creation, for while in the wilderness, it forgets the meaning of its own madness and creation!
Solitude is the penance which breaks or forges Souls. Upon the anvil of solitude, the hammer of pain would shape you into what you must become.
Such hammering and difficulty can break even strong blades. And yet this is the very fire that would give you strength, if you will acknowledge your own strength!
But are you capable of this? To endure the hammer of the Law, the discomfort of too much contradiction? Can you, while tempered in hot flames, endure the terrible chill of frost and solitude?
In your hunger, can you restrain your hand from the offerings of beggars? Are you willing to starve in order to tempt the tempter?
Have you not yet remembered the agony of your Spirit, which weeps upon seeing the divine perish? My brother, strive and seek to remember your Spirit, whose agony inspires the longing for creation.
Defiant are these rebels, who long for creation. Honored is the will of those who do not look first to stars for a reason to descend and perish.
But are you willing to do this? To enter dark chasms and the abyss of despair, without even expecting to return?
Can you enter hell without looking back, to accept defeat in order to become victorious?
Do you desire to be a creator of new tablets, to chisel new laws on new stones? Then show me your right and your strength to do so! Terrible is the strength needed to chisel new laws on new stones, especially when one lacks the light to see one's work.
For it is written in characters of fire: "The Gods emerge from the abyss by means of fire, and get lost within the Darkness."
My brother, you will forge a new God and a new Law from your despair. Out of fire and chaos shall your will be tempered, if you will allow yourself to be tempered.
Joyful is the song of tempered steel, for it longs to be shaped into a new creation. Where there is acceptance, the hammer becomes as welcome as the pillow.
So lay yourself upon the anvil of solitude, my brother, and only much later shall your justice be forged.
Raise your amphora of hope and delirium back unto the Spirit, that He may deliver your fill of wisdom.
Intoxicating is this wine and madness of the Spirit, for it would convert the abstemious into the drunkards of the Spirit, and would defy the insanity of the sane.
Glorious is this wine and intoxication of the Spirit, for unlike other wines, it can never put one to sleep.
My brother, you are going the way of the hammer and the forge. Show me your courage to be tempered, in order that the weapon of your new hope may shine from your affliction.
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
On Destiny and Marriage
Destiny and marriage, thus do I speak to the unmarried. It is neither one's destiny to be married too soon, nor is marriage for the destined too late.
Timing is everything, but Love has naught to do with Time. If you would be in Love, I would have you not glance at the clock!
A destiny and a marriage do you seek, yet do you seek your destiny and marriage?
For many are they who are destined to be married, but only as bats in their blindness find each other.
Many are the married who call themselves destined, yet their marriage is made of Time and a false destiny.
But are you willing to do this: to shatter false gods and false destinies?
Painful is the marriage of the all-too-many. They would convince the world they are in Love. Yet even when alone, they never knew what Love is.
The Woman of Urania is our First Love. Never could I know how to to give Love were it not for my First Love.
And for those who look for marriage in this valley of tears, I would have two stars cross in the heavens: thus do I call marriage.
Rare and hallowed is this marriage made in heaven. It would compel even the planets to revolve around it. Such is its will.
But the horoscope marriage, the marriage of the superfluous, this is only the destiny of madmen and the grave.
Yet True Love is also of the grave. It would die in itself in order to be reborn. It would burn itself to ashes in order to be sanctified.
But are you willing to do this: to enter the grave? Are you willing to give a hand to the ghost that frightens you?
Courage and death are inseparable. One needs great courage for the tomb. Yet many are the Don Giovannis wielding great courage, who are unwilling to die for what they love!
The rose of your affections can only grow from the compost of the past. So when your rose blossoms, be sure that it is much tended.
Blessed be the rose which blooms from the grave. But contempt be for the Hallmark marriage, which you can get anywhere. Although one must perish for Love, one must not perish because of love!
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
Timing is everything, but Love has naught to do with Time. If you would be in Love, I would have you not glance at the clock!
A destiny and a marriage do you seek, yet do you seek your destiny and marriage?
For many are they who are destined to be married, but only as bats in their blindness find each other.
Many are the married who call themselves destined, yet their marriage is made of Time and a false destiny.
But are you willing to do this: to shatter false gods and false destinies?
Painful is the marriage of the all-too-many. They would convince the world they are in Love. Yet even when alone, they never knew what Love is.
The Woman of Urania is our First Love. Never could I know how to to give Love were it not for my First Love.
And for those who look for marriage in this valley of tears, I would have two stars cross in the heavens: thus do I call marriage.
Rare and hallowed is this marriage made in heaven. It would compel even the planets to revolve around it. Such is its will.
But the horoscope marriage, the marriage of the superfluous, this is only the destiny of madmen and the grave.
Yet True Love is also of the grave. It would die in itself in order to be reborn. It would burn itself to ashes in order to be sanctified.
But are you willing to do this: to enter the grave? Are you willing to give a hand to the ghost that frightens you?
Courage and death are inseparable. One needs great courage for the tomb. Yet many are the Don Giovannis wielding great courage, who are unwilling to die for what they love!
The rose of your affections can only grow from the compost of the past. So when your rose blossoms, be sure that it is much tended.
Blessed be the rose which blooms from the grave. But contempt be for the Hallmark marriage, which you can get anywhere. Although one must perish for Love, one must not perish because of love!
Thus speaks Ding Dong.
On Clowns

Many are the aspirants who believe themselves to be serious; yet, they are not.
There are many who enter our studies and then play with diverse doctrines. They are not serious.
There are many who know this doctrine; yet, they simply play with this doctrine.
The careless Gnostics who flirt with other doctrines play with Gnosis.
There are many students of Gnosis who ridicule Gnosis while playing with it.
Many clowns have infiltrated the Gnostic movement.
Those who have not declared themselves to be their own mortal enemies are not serious.
Gnostics who are not serious become fascinated with novelties. This is their problem.
These types of Gnostics, Gnostics who are not serious, Gnostics who are searching and playing, definitely fail.
Only the Gnostics who work on themselves can integrally Self-realize themselves.
-Samael Aun Weor, The Pistis Sophia Unveiled
On The New Age
Although not a Doctor, this Chief of Clowns would diagnose this mania with New Age mysticisms.
Despite paint and absurdity, this clown would be serious, and diagnose the many "isms" of New Age Mysti-cisms.
And that is this: Many are the New Age penitents in robes of sackcloth. Yet never could I believe in the fabric of a mysticism so thin...
Thin are these robes of the penitents, which do not hold heat. I would have these penitents burn with the fire of Conscious Faith, and not the chill of clamminess and infirmity!
Many are these sick penitents, on fire with their own clamminess. They would feel their sun as frost, and their frost as fire.
Such penitents wish to create their own realities; meanwhile, such penitents are not creators!
Hard and difficult is the will of all creators, and rare. Such creators must create over and beyond themselves, and not their own realities!
Many are the mistaken penitents, considering themselves creators. If they be creators, it is only of poor websites and paper-thin philosophies!
"My Kundalini has awakened, and without chastity." Thus speaks the New Age penitent.
"My Kundalini awoke without sanctity. I am filled with the Holy Ghost, and for no reason!" Thus speaks dementia.
But verily do I warn such penitents, that God does not reward the brainsick. The madhouse and the penitentiary do I recommend for such penitents, who applaud their insanity.
A good head on your shoulders does God need. Yet what good is a head stuffed with cannabis and delirium?
Such heads as these even think they are Gods... yet how can this be, when their God is dead?
Sacrificed is your God upon the altar of absurdity. In order for God to resurrect in you, you yourselves must resurrect from your absurdity!
A strong medication does Ding Dong prescribe for such penitents, on fire with their own clamminess… and that is: a good dose of SERIOUSNESS.
Thus speaks Doctor Ding Dong.
Despite paint and absurdity, this clown would be serious, and diagnose the many "isms" of New Age Mysti-cisms.
And that is this: Many are the New Age penitents in robes of sackcloth. Yet never could I believe in the fabric of a mysticism so thin...
Thin are these robes of the penitents, which do not hold heat. I would have these penitents burn with the fire of Conscious Faith, and not the chill of clamminess and infirmity!
Many are these sick penitents, on fire with their own clamminess. They would feel their sun as frost, and their frost as fire.
Such penitents wish to create their own realities; meanwhile, such penitents are not creators!
Hard and difficult is the will of all creators, and rare. Such creators must create over and beyond themselves, and not their own realities!
Many are the mistaken penitents, considering themselves creators. If they be creators, it is only of poor websites and paper-thin philosophies!
"My Kundalini has awakened, and without chastity." Thus speaks the New Age penitent.
"My Kundalini awoke without sanctity. I am filled with the Holy Ghost, and for no reason!" Thus speaks dementia.
But verily do I warn such penitents, that God does not reward the brainsick. The madhouse and the penitentiary do I recommend for such penitents, who applaud their insanity.
A good head on your shoulders does God need. Yet what good is a head stuffed with cannabis and delirium?
Such heads as these even think they are Gods... yet how can this be, when their God is dead?
Sacrificed is your God upon the altar of absurdity. In order for God to resurrect in you, you yourselves must resurrect from your absurdity!
A strong medication does Ding Dong prescribe for such penitents, on fire with their own clamminess… and that is: a good dose of SERIOUSNESS.
Thus speaks Doctor Ding Dong.
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